Good Morning!

I’ve been unable to post lately due to the poor reception I’m getting here at the new place. Hopefully, I can switch to AT&T on payday, but until then, it’ll be spotty if at all. Sorry if I didn’t answer your comment–this really sucks!

–Photo by me

Another Day

I woke up this morning to the sound of steady rain on the roof and was disappointed because I had plans to tackle some outside chores I’d been putting off. I pulled out my untrusty laptop and started scrolling through the news, all the while hoping the rain would end so I could get out there. Well, the rain kept on and on, and it was making me feel anxious. At length, I found myself getting dressed and heading out the door; I did all the chores in the rain, and it was–wonderful!

another day breaks

and what will we do?

our desires are many;

our resources, few.

perhaps if we can

stop desiring to bend

the ways of the world

to our personal end,

we’d find ourselves free

to be satisfied

just being alive

and along for the ride.

–photo by me