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we had crashed

on an alien world,

our ship was

beyond all repair,

and though we had

prayed for our rescue,

we knew we weren’t

going anywhere.


long after we’d

made this our home,

a scouting ship

spotted our lair,

and though we had

prayed for our rescue,

we knew we weren’t

going anywhere.

–photo/art by me

Winter Arrives 10/28/23

I got up this morning and found that winter had officially arrived overnight. It’s really a complete paradigm shift; every little aspect of life here near the Canadian border changes, from the clothes we wear to the places we go to the things we do. Now, where’s that shovel?

It’s peculiar the way we ourselves also change with the seasons; myself, I’m a bit more laid-back in the summer, but winter brings out a more responsible me.

when my world

turns wintery,

i turn into

winter me

–photo by me

perfectly lost

upon the inspection

of his own reflection,

the gull was impressed

and called it perfection.

with no explanation,

he deserted his station

and followed his image

to an unknown location.

sometimes self-promotion’s

a powerful potion,

and soon the gull found

he was lost on the ocean.

–photo by me

The Aurora

Standing out here under a starry, Minnesota-dark sky, I can understand why some of my ancestors thought the aurora borealis, like the rainbow, was a bridge leading from Midgard (earth) to Asgard (home of the gods). Although the northern lights are often swirling and dancing across the ebon stage, sometimes they are still, like a ghostly, glowing bridge to the heavens. I get it.

are the northern lights

but a restless, emerald

stairway to heaven?

–Photos by me